Please contact us via email to determine availability. Tell us the service you wish to book, breed and age of your pets, your address, as well as the dates and times you are interested in. Services fill up quickly so please plan accordingly! Last minute requests are not guaranteed. Please fill out the form below, or visit our contact page! We are very flexible and can work with you to figure out what will be best for you and your pets, depending upon our availability. Hope we can help!!
ALL AND ANY INQUIRIES must be sent to talspetsco@gmail.com.
ALWAYS BE SURE TO STATE the dates you are in need of, the times per day/schedule, the services you are most interested in, your address, and the number, type, and ages of the pets you need care for. Please indicate if your pets are under 1 year old or if they have any medical/special/behavioral needs. From there, we will check in with our sitters’ availability and let you know how we can help!
LAST MINUTE REQUESTS CAN NOT BE GUARANTEED* Anything under a week or less is considered last minute, and our availability is dependent on your schedule needs, services, and location, as well as what we have currently open with our sitters. There are also fees for last minute requests. See Services*
OUR OFFICE HOURS are 8 am to 5 pm Monday through Fridays. Limited hours on weekends. Please message within these hours, especially for any last minute changes to your schedule. Emergency requests can be accommodated for after hours, as needed and available.
MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION* is included in any service, unless otherwise quoted due to the extent of care needed. See Services*
WE BOOK TIMEFRAMES FOR ARRIVAL, not exact times for visits. Meet and greets, grooms, and boarding and daycare pick/drop off are the only services we schedule at an exact time that is agreed upon by both the client and the sitter. For all travel pet sitting services, we book time frames for arrival due to our sitters having multiple clients with similar schedule needs. We typically book time frames in a 2-hour window, depending upon availability. Times per day that are in higher demand (such as midday/weekly), OR if we are close to being booked full when you send a request, we do give a wider time frame for booking, if needed on our end. If your pet has a very specific/dire need (such as needing a certain type of medication), there are cases where we can shorten the time frame for arrival within a 1-hour window.
ONE FREE MEET AND GREET IS OFFERED WITH NEW BOOKINGS*: If you are a new client that is assigned a sitter, or a current client that is scheduled with a new sitter, we offer a free *40 minute max* meet and greet. We offer one free meeting per new sitter assignment. If you wish to schedule a second meeting, it would be charged as a drop in service. If your assigned sitter has a travel rate associated with their care, their travel rate will be quoted for the in-person meet and greet. If you request more time for the meeting than the allotted 40 minutes, there will be an additional charge of $5 per every additional 10 minutes needed. If you book a last minute service (such as a week or less notice), or if a sitter is traveling a distance, and we do not have an in-person meeting available, we always can offer your assigned sitter to coordinate a phone call, Facetime, or Zoom call before the reservation. See Services*
THERE ARE CANCELLATION POLICIES* that should be reviewed and considered before booking. See below*
PAYMENT FOR SERVICES is always due at the end of your scheduled reservation. Payment due date, total, and method will always be stated in your schedule reference, which you approve via email. If you book a service that is over 10 days, we require a “split payment” where a partial payment is due by the first day of your reservation, and then the remainder is due by the last day. If you are late on a payment, there are no fees, but we will not provide services for you until your payment is completed. We stress the importance of paying your fee on time so your contracted sitter can be effectively compensated. If you have a conflict paying on the actual due date (such as traveling home from a trip), you can submit the payment at any time prior. Tipping your sitters is highly suggested, and can be added on top of the total when submitting your payment by the due date!
484-948-7032 (By Appointment Only)
Important Information
Payment is ALWAYS due at the end of your scheduled services, no deposit necessary, unless you have a service that is over 10 days in length. You can pay anytime from the time you book to the last day you are scheduled for services. Your payment date and type will always be listed in your schedule references when booking. Tips for your pet sitters are highly suggested and can be added within the total in any of our accepted payment methods!
We accept PayPal, Zelle, Venmo, Square, or Mailed Check.
BERKS/CHESTER/MONTCO/BUCKS: If a sitter travels more than 12 miles for any pet sitting service, there is an additional fee of $1.00 for every mile past 12 if a sitter accepts your job request. This will be agreed upon by both the client and the sitter upon booking. If you wish for a meet and greet, the meet and greet will NOT be a free charge, and you will have to pay a travel fee for the sitter to come prior to services, which is due upon completion of the meeting. A sitter is assigned outside of travel range due to our availability related to your request in the current time.
DELAWARE COUNTY: If a sitter travels more than 8 miles for any pet sitting service, there is an additional fee of $1.00 for every mile past 8 if a sitter accepts a job. This will be agreed upon by both the client and the sitter upon booking. If you wish for a meet and greet, the meet and greet will NOT be free, and you will have to pay a travel fee for the sitter to come prior to services, which is due upon completion of the meeting. A sitter is assigned outside of travel range due to our availability related to your current request.
Cancellation policy states;
We totally understand that last minute things come up such as changes of plans, the weather, emergencies, and illness. We try to keep our cancellation policy as flexible as we can to support both you and our sitters’ needs! Your cancellation dates will always be listed at the bottom of your schedule references that you approve via email.
Our policy is as follows…
If you book a service where you are scheduling on a WEEKLY BASIS, you have at least 4 HOURS PRIOR TO THE START OF YOUR DAILY TIME FRAME to cancel. If you book midday visits on a weekly basis while you are at work, this would apply to you! For example, if your timeframe with your sitter is between 11-1 pm for a weekly booking, you have until 7 am the day of to cancel the service to avoid paying the full fee for the day.
If you book services for a vacation or as needed, such as several drop ins if you are out of town for the day, OR services over multiple days for a vacation, YOU HAVE UP UNTIL 3 DAYS PRIOR to cancel or change any of your booking, without any late fees due. Anything canceled or changed after the stated cancellation date, (that will be listed in your schedule reference when booking), up until two days before services, results in a 20% cancellation fee. So for example, if you book something starting on the 20th of the month, you have until the 17th to cancel your services OR make any changes to avoid having to pay a 20% fee of what you cancel/change. Also going off of the above example, if you make a cancellation or change of service on the 18th, there will be 20% fees on the cancellations or changes you make.
For vacation or as needed bookings, if you make a cancellation to your schedule after the 2-day grace period and DURING THE TIME YOUR SERVICES ARE OCCURRING, there is a 50% cancellation fee for any cancellations or changes you make to your schedule. This 50% cancellation fee begins the day before your services begin. For example, if your services have begun on the 20th of the month and are scheduled through the 27th, if you reach out on the 21st and mention you only need services through the 25th and now need to cancel the 26th and 27th, there will be 50% of the total due from the services you had schedule 26th and 27th. Another example is if you reach out for cancellations or changes the day before your services begin, on the 19th, there would be 50% fees.
For vacation or as needed bookings, if you make a cancellation to your schedule the DAY OF AN APPOINTMENT, you still owe for the scheduled services for that day. You may fall into this category if you are coming home from a trip earlier than expected, or leaving for a trip later than you originally had thought. For example, if you have services scheduled from the 20th through the 27th of the month, and on the 27th you have a sitter coming through the evening, but you send an email the morning of the 27th mentioning you are coming home earlier than expected and no longer need the dinner visit, payment is still due for that scheduled appointment in the evening that you no longer need.
For vacation or as needed bookings, IF YOU BOOK A LAST MINUTE SERVICE THAT IS LESS THAN THREE DAYS UNTIL YOUR NEEDS, your cancellation date will be marked as that same day that you confirm your booking. You have that same day to confirm your schedule and make any changes that you may need. From your confirmation of booking through the first scheduled appointment, there will be a 20% fee for any changes or cancellations to your schedule. If a cancellation/change is made to your schedule during your services, there will be a 50% cancellation fee. If you cancel/make a change to your schedule on the same day of your scheduled needs, payment will be due for the day.
If you are a new client and are scheduling a meet and greet with your sitter AFTER the posted cancellation date in your schedule reference, if the meet and greet does not go well and your sitter is not a good fit, you can cancel services with no fees.
For snow/inclement weather, your sitter may request alternative timing to travel around storm times, OR we may offer an additional sitters’ help who may have a better vehicle equipped to drive in inclement weather. If this is offered to you and you wish to cancel, whether due to having a neighbor help, or if you plan to come home, there will be a cancellation fee. If we are unable to make a scheduled appointment due to inclement weather and have to cancel on our end, there would be no associated cancellation fees. Your assigned sitter would always communicate to you any alternative plans if inclement weather is affecting scheduled visits. We highly suggest listing someone on your emergency contacts that is close by that may be able to help in the event a sitter can not make it to your home due to inclement weather!
YOU MUST SEND AN EMAIL TO TALSPETSCO@GMAIL.COM TO OFFICIALLY CANCEL YOUR SERVICES. You may let your personal sitter know, but to officially cancel and avoid fees, we need your word. The cancellation time will be recorded based upon when we receive the email, NOT when you let your sitter know.

We have a $15 EXTRA charge on ALL services for the following dates.
January 1st (New Years day)
April 20th(Easter Sunday)
May 26th (Memorial Day)
July 4th (Independence Day)
September 1st (Labor Day)
November 27th (Thanksgiving Day)
December 24th (Christmas Eve)
December 25th (Christmas Day)
December 31st (NYE)
We understand last minute needs arise, where you may be looking for care for your animals! We totally get it, and are happy to assist if we have the availability to do so. Please be aware that last minute requests require much coordination on our end; whether rearranging personal schedules, working to provide ASAP availability, and working/talking with team members after hours. To give you an example of how the fee works; you have up through Wednesday each week to book services for that same weekend, starting with Saturday care. If, for example, you wanted to book a walk on a Saturday, and reach out the Thursday before, there would be a 10% fee, which would bring your total to $25.30 for one dog over 1 ($23 for the walk, plus a $2.30 fee).
PLEASE NOTE: last minute requests CANNOT be guaranteed, and availability is depending on our contracted sitters’ discretion. If we have availability, please note the associated fees;
*a 10% fee will be added to your quoted total for a request that gives two days notice
*a 20% fee will be added to your quoted total for a request that gives one days notice
*a 30% fee will be added to your quoted total for a same day request
Meet and greets are FREE of charge and have an allotted time of 40 minutes. We offer 1 free meet and greet per new sitter assignment.
If you require more than 40 minutes for an in-person meet and greet, there is a $5 fee for every additional 10 minutes you require, past the 40 minutes.
We offer free meet and greets upon booking with us! Whether a new client to the business, or a current client who is scheduled with a sitter that is new to them; we allow one free meet and greet per new assigned sitter. We schedule meet and greets within a 40 minute time block. If you require more time than this, there are additional fees (SEE ABOVE).
If you are interested in booking a second meet and greet with your assigned sitter, it would be charged as a drop in visit.
If you need a second meet and greet with your sitter due circumstances such as moving locations, obtaining a new pet that changes your care routines, or if your pet has had a major change in care needs such as being diagnosed with something that requires substantial medical care, we allow for a second free meet and greet.